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Geezer Lake

North Carolina-based Geezer Lake straddled several genres, eschewed traditional song arrangements, and melded together elements of pop, rock, jazz, post-hardcore, metal, film scores, avant-garde, noise, sound-collage, and structured improvisation. Perhaps one of the most striking differences between Geezer Lake and other indie-rock acts was their use of reverb-drenched horns, played through amplifiers, adding an etherial aura to the typical guitar/bass/drum configuration. Geezer Lake was active from the late 80s through the late 90s, reforming briefly for a short tour in 2000.

North Carolina-based Geezer Lake straddled several genres, eschewed traditional song arrangements, and melded together elements of pop, rock, jazz, post-hardcore, metal, film

Album Art

The Bag
by Geezer Lake

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copyright 1992 where's betty? music written by geezer lake engineered by jerry kee

eric shepherd (guitars, tapes), harrison cannon (bass, vocals), scotty irving (drums, percussion), jim clodfelter (trumpet)

originally appeared on the n.c. compilation "pyloric waves" (d-tox records).

copyright 1992 where's betty? music