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North Elementary

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Sessions at KNC: Live Recordings
by North Elementary

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1.  Lose Your Favorite Things (live WKNC)
2.  Midwest Bug (live WKNC)
3.  Murder by Memory (live WKNC)
4.  War for Kicks (live WKNC)

So seriously, as a result of a day properly divided between music-making and skater-heckling, you all have the chance to download three new North Elementary Tunes and one old one. I highly recommend you do, because they rock. If you're a geek like me, listen to Chad's drums in the slow part of "Lose Your Favorite Things." Great Drums + Caldwell Lounge = incredible sound.

Recorded and Produced by Eric Scholz

Also, I'll shout a huge thanks to Mikey, Liz, and Matt for showing up and volunteering good chunks of their Saturdays.

So seriously, as a result of a day properly divided between music-making and skater-heckling, you all have the chance to download three new North Elementary Tunes and one old one.

Album Art

I Will Always Fight (for Love)
by North Elementary

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