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Schooner is from Carrboro, NC. We like staring into space and rolling over bumpy roads. We enjoy experimenting with simple song structures and sounds and aesthetically tend to go for understatement. We play disheveled pop that moves from mellow sad-eyed tunes to erratic rock numbers highlighted by boy-girl harmonies and existential lyrics.

Schooner is from Carrboro, NC. We like staring into space and rolling over bumpy roads. We enjoy experimenting with simple song structures and sounds and aesthetically tend to go

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Duck Kee Sessions
by Schooner

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1.  Feel Better
2.  Fortuition
3.  Lose Yourself
4.  Maybe We Lose in the End
5.  Duck Kee Nights
6.  In All Probability

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Recorded by Jerry Kee at Duck Kee Studio in Mebane, NC on the early end of 2009. Mastered by Zeno Gill at Pox World Empire Studios in Durham, NC

Maria Albani plays bass, sand blocks, and percussion. Billy Alphin plays drums and percussion. Kathryn Johnson plays keys, djembe, and percussion. Reid Johnson plays guitar, ukulele, xylophone, synthesizer, harmonica, toy piano, vibraphone, and percussion. Jerry Kee plays 2-inch tape machine.

Songs written by Reid, tinkered by Schooner BMI 2010

For lyrics, information, as well as images of original artwork that was made for this EP, go to

`Buy handmade artwork for this album here|`.