Artist Photo

Wes Phillips

Wes Phillips lives in Carrboro, North Carolina with the incomparable Theresa Stone and their cats. He's played with Ticonderoga, The Balance, The Rosebuds, and The Physics of Meaning.

Wes Phillips lives in Carrboro, North Carolina with the incomparable Theresa Stone and their cats. He's played with Ticonderoga, The Balance, The Rosebuds, and The Physics of

Album Art

The Wagoneers
by Wes Phillips

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1.  Elm
2.  Ever Since the Engagement
3.  This Chick Is Toast
4.  Autobiography
5.  Star Quality
6.  Tagalong
7.  Table in the Back
8.  The Steely Dan Song "Peg"
9.  Three-legged Race
10.  Line of Vision
11.  The Wagoneers
12.  Feet